Yard & Wood Chip Waste
Bring us your branches, leaves & grass clippings
Wood chips are a key ingredient in making premium compost. Bring us your yard waste as long as it meets our guidelines. We currently accept yard waste free of charge.

We Accept
Branches & limbs, chipped wood & sawdust, logs, lawn clippings & leaves. Also waste from feedlots, agricultural, horse manure, forestry projects and animal mortalities.

We Do Not Accept
NO treated lumber, painted, stained or laminated wood, railroad ties, bricks, pavers & rocks, turf, cardboard or paper and GARBAGE.

Accepted but only with prior approval and inspection.
Commercial Services
New! Mobile Grinding
Delta Compost can now help our neighboring towns and compost facilities grind their collected wood waste to be used as mulch or to make compost. We have a new horizontal grinder that we’ll bring to your site and our team will do the grinding for you. Call or email to discuss this opportunity.

Commercial Waste
We Compost Commercial:
- Septic Waste
- Ag Waste: Manure, Produce, etc
- Grocery Food Waste
- Meat Processing
- Yard Waste
- Forestry
- Food Scraps
- Event Waste: Food Scraps & Certified Compostable Products

Transport Services
We haul septic and grease trap waste from various locations. Our tanker trucks are available for other compostable liquid waste such as distillery, vineyard or brewery waste. Call for details.

We now have a delivery option! We'll deliver between 2 and 10 yards per load.
Delivery charges per load:
- Delta, Orchard City & Cedaredge: $50
- Olathe & Hotchkiss: $65
- Paonia, Crawford, Montrose & Whitewater: $75
- Ridgway & Grand Junction: $100
Tipping Fees
Pricing as of November 1, 2024
- Septic: $0.21/gallon
- Grease Trap Waste: $0.21/gallon
- Portable & Pit Toilets | Sludge: $0.28/gallon
- Biosolids: $29.50/ton
- Food Waste: $33.00/ton
- Slaughter Waste: $40.00/ton
We are no longer accepting sand trap waste.
Call us to let us know if you need to bring us large amounts of other organic waste, including septage and biosolids.
We are now accepting animal mortalities. Please call ahead 970.744.6691. $40 per animal.